Corporate Housing
Who We Serve

Traveling Nurses
Retreat for our first responder
We have made sure that our nurses find their space a place to call home like a retreat. When our guest come in all they need to do is unpack their bags & unwind. Their retreat is fully furnished and stocked all they have to do is order food from Hello Fresh with our discount. We offer some special options for their comfort such as foot bath, recliner, cooling or weighted blanket, special shower head and multiple types of pillows. In this location we offer a lot of entertainment, resturants and shopping while close to public transportation.
(412) 403.7582

Affordable housing for
The Stepping Stone Pathways families
Housing for single parent families in post-secondary education. The apartment will offer two bedrooms and one bath.
This program is only for parents who are in The Stepping Stone Pathways Program and they will receive all of the services provided as well.
(412) 403.7582

Military / Veteran Housing
Honoring our HEROES
We will be offering affordale housing to our heroes with special services such as; homeowners program, soft skills & workforce training, food assistance and emotional support partnerships.
(412) 403.7582